Abeona Automations

Save time and money.

Let us set up custom-tailored automations and systems to reduce day-to-day tasks. Give yourself the time to focus on growing your business.

Abeona Automations

Private Practices we've worked with:

Bear Tracks Pediatric Therapies
Cheerful Chatter
King Speech and Learning Center
neuro teletherapies
Childrens communication center
Foundation SLL
Speech for the Top
Playful Therapy Connections
Abeona Automations
Abeona Automations

Automation & Digital Systems

Rise to optimize your business

As you manage your private practice, every point of the workflow will be yours to manage.

This offers greater flexibility to direct your business the way you want but it will also dump an unbelievable amount of workload to you or your small team. With Abeona, you will get valuable help to ensure peak efficiency of your operations.

What we can do for you

Ways we can save you Time and Money

Skip the endless courses and Youtube video tutorials. We’ll do the heavy lifting. From our own successes and mistakes, we formulated our proven strategies and tactics and currently use them in our own private practice and the numerous SLPs we’ve helped
Automated Client Onboarding Systems

Client Onboarding

Automate your client intake paperwork so you can start treatment ASAP.

Automated Scheduling & Reminder Systems

Scheduling and Reminders

Save time through a client self-scheduling system. Reduce no-shows with automatic reminders.

Automated Lead Tracking and Follow-up

Client Relationship Management

Set up systems that send birthday greetings and messages to clients on special occasions.

Hiring and Shortlisting SLPs

Grow your team fast and efficiently with our custom hiring hacks.


Accounting, Reporting, Tracking

Reduce time and money spent on paperwork. Make it’s you running your business, not your business running you.

Custom Automations

We can customize other automations based on your needs or your clients’ status.